Annai JKK Sampooraniammal College of Education,Erode was estaliblished in 2005 under
the regin of Annai JKK Sampooraniammal Charitable Trust was established in the year
1971 with a philanthropic outlook of serving the society in the fields of education,
health and industry. The trustees, with rich experience and wide knowledge in industry,
medicine and higher education, dedicate themselves to work for the development of
the society in these fields by way of starting various charitable institutions in
a phased manner.
Motto of the college
"LEARN,TEACH,EXCEL” form the motto of Annai JKK Sampooraniammal College of Education,
We aim to mould the teacher trainees to create better society with determination,
devotion and dedication.
To educate and develop the person as a whole.
To become the perfect teachers, ethical, healthy, useful training will be given
with dedication.
To prepare teachers to serve a global society.
To promote research in the field of education.
To teach the learners to realize their potentialities and power in them.
To teach them that learning is an endless process and curiosity leads one to learn
new things.
To teach them that knowledge is a valuable treasure to be shared by all.

Dr.JKK MUNIRAJAHH M.Tech.,(Bolton),D.Litt.,
Chairman & Managing Trustee JKK Munirajah & Educational Institutions.
Dr.J.K.K.Munirajahh is a reputed indestrialist,technocrat,an educationalist excellence
an avid social worker,a person imbibed in deep spiritual values and a Philanthropist.
Dr.J.K.K.Munirajahh founded a Charitable Trust by name Annai J.K.K.Sampoorani Ammal
Trust, Komarapalayam-638 183 Namakkal Dt., Tamilnadu in the year 1971.Dr.J.K.K.Munirajahh
established many a temples of learning to perpetuate the ever lasting memory of
his beloved mother. At present Annai J.K.K.Sampoorani Ammal Trust maintains and
runs Paramedical Institutions offering Diploma, Graduate and Post Graduate courses
in Pharmacy, Nursing, Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy at Komarapalayam, Namakkal
Dt and a Polytechnic, Community Polytechnic and a industrial Training Center at
T.N.Palayam, Erode Dt.Besides, the Trust runs Matriculation School, A Higher Secondary
School for Physically Handicapped, Blind and Deaf and a Rehabilitation Center for
Handicapped at Komarapalayam.

Changing times and uplifting environment needs nurturing in every possible dimension.
JKKM group of Institutions is a temple of knowledge that promotes self learning,
improves self discipline, and caters self esteem of every future citizen of India.
What the need of the hour today is not just financial help, and not just quality
of teaching, but the whole circle of education in its entirety. This circle is not
complete without active participation from students, faculty and management as one
family, with a single goal, empowerment of education for a “leading” India.
I welcome all students into our ever growing family with an open heart. Come join
us to avail the knowledge, facilities and infrastructure, and create a prosperous
future for yourself and our country.